There S124 V8 turbo Update Engine bay
So update on the engine. Last time i put the engine back in the car. Know it is time to get all the loose ends together in the engine bay. 1e is the turbo. I needs a oil feed. This is a AN4 connection i have a pressed line with a teflon liner.
These hoses can hold high temp and high pressure and are ideal for oil and petrol also perfect for E85. So i will also use these lines in AN8 for the fuel system. For the water cooling of the turbo. It has M14X1,5 connection in the turbo. I’m using hydraulic connections for the 3/8 pipe, I welded a connection on the pipes to fit them with the correct hose diameter on the engine. cooling connection from the oil cooler is used.
The oil cooler adapeter plate is modified to have a feed line for the turbo. This is aM10x1 adapter to AN4 hose. Also the oil cooler thermostate is in place. But needs to be secured correctly. Below you can find a picure of the oil cooler line connection
Transmission cooling lines are in place and connected. but need so support to keep the lines in place.
The throttle body is turned 90 degree for oem position to make space for the changed vacuum connection for the brake booster. IAT sensor place in the feed pipe to the turbo. Because of changing the positions of the throttle body the piping from the intercooler did not fit anymore. This is modified again.
Radiator incl. cooling fan from SPAL is mounted. All hoses are connected. Only 1 connection to the waterpump needs to be blocked because it is not used.
Intake manifold is placed incl the spacer plates the cover the air injection ports. Also air injection port is blocked. Injectors and fuel rail are mounted. The injectors are a little higher so spacers are made for the fuel rail to sit higher. The injector Are 1100cc. See picture below
Engine oil breather system or overpressure system. I have modified this system with a Mann + Hummel provent 200. i bought a aftermarket housing but i have the oem filter LC5001x. There are AN12 connection on each valve cover. OEM connections are blocked off. The AN12 from each valve cover go to a T piece with a single AN16 line to the provent 200 case. From this point i have to make a vacuum connection in front of the feed of the turbo to create a underpressure in the crankcase . This will be shown in a later video.
Things that needs to be finish mechanically before wiring job starts are . Propshaft center bearing needs to be fitted, fuel system from tank to fuel rail and the rear self leveling suspension hydraulics need to be build in the car . When this is done the wiring needs to be put in place
If there are any questions just ask